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Scrabble Word Finder

Use the Scrabble Word Finder to unscramble words and find all high scoring Scrabble Words.
Set fixed positions by pushing a letter
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Use the Scrabble Word Finder to unscramble words and find all high scoring Scrabble Words.

Unscramble words for Scrabble

Scrabble Word Finder is a fast way to unscramble letters to make Scrabble words. You can search very specific for words with our Scrabble word finder, with blanks and position of word placement.

It happens to the best Scrabble players. You have received nice letters, and you are sure that there is a nice word, with many points... but you can't see it. Fortunately, there is the Scrabble Word Finder. By entering your letters, the Word Finder unscramble words quickly and find all words hidden in your letters.

Word Finder in action

How to use the Scrabble word finder, you might ask? We will go in dept on how to use the Word Finder and give you tips for Scrabble every player can use.

In short, the goals of the Word Finder is to help you cheat (and win) in Scrabble. To do that, the Scrabble Word Finder needs your Scrabble letters as input. You can provide your letters by filling them in the form above and press generate. The Word Finder checks the Scrabble Dictionary and shows which words can be found. The best scoring word is shown directly above all other words. This way, you immediately know which Scrabble word you can play.

Unscramble Scrabble letters

According to the rules of Scrabble, you must always use an existing letter, or word, to reach these cells. You can indicate this in the contains word or letter field. Together with the letters of your board, only words with that word or letter are now searched. You can also use our fixed word lists with popular letters and letter combinations. Like words with an X, or words with QUA. These lists do not take into account your Scrabble letters on your board, but they may inspire you to find a word.

Suppose you have a high letter, and you have the option to put it on a 3x letter value. A great opportunity for bonus points. To search for this in a targeted way, you can indicate our Scrabble Word Finder that a letter must be placed in a fixed place.

Word Finder example

Suppose you have a high letter X. There is a word on the board with the T sticking out. You now want to find words with an X and a T. You fill in your letters on your board. Under Contains word or letter, enter the X and T, separated by a dash, as X-T. (You can also use the space bar to enter a dash). You now only get words that also contain the X and the T. It doesn't matter that X was entered twice. Scrabble Word Finder takes into account the number of letters possible in Scrabble.

Now suppose there are a number of words on the board with a gap created to make a word, so the position is important. You fill in your letters, and the letters that are on the board. Please note that the order of input matters here. Once you have entered the letters you can press a letter to lock the position. The words that are now shown fit exactly in that spot. Of course, words may not be possible. Then you know that and you can look for another place with the help of our Scrabble Word Finder.

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