Scrabble words that start with R
This word list shows the words that start with R that score the most points in the game of Scrabble. Keep in mind that all words in the list start with an R, so there are many more words that contain an R. Do you want to know what they are? Then enter your letters in our Word Finder on the website. Would you like to know which words you can make from your letters? Then enter your letters into the Scrabble word finder and find the words with the highest score.
Making words with letters:
Is your word with R not listed or can you not find the word so quickly? Then start making words from letters. Enter up to 10 letters at a time. A wild card (blank) counts for one letter. Our Use our Scrabble Cheat instantly shows all the possible words you can make.
What other words are there?
Looking for other words with an R, or do you want words to start with a different letter? View the complete overview of the Scrabble dictionary via the button below. We would like to remind you that the words in this list have been selected for the game of Scrabble. Selection was based on word length and point score.
Words that start with: